Deploying Ghost CMS on AWS Lambda: A Step-by-Step Guide

Deploying Ghost CMS on AWS Lambda: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hosting Ghost CMS using AWS Fargate:

1. Create a Docker Container for Ghost:

Ghost official provides a Docker image. If the default configuration isn’t suitable, you can create a custom Dockerfile, extending the Ghost official image.

2. Push Docker Container to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR):

  1. Install and configure the AWS CLI.

  2. Create a repository in ECR.

  3. Authenticate Docker to the ECR registry:

     aws ecr get-login-password --region region | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
  4. Tag the Ghost Docker image for ECR:

     docker tag ghost:latest
  5. Push the Docker image to ECR:

     docker push

3. Setup Ghost on AWS Fargate:

  1. Navigate to the ECS (Elastic Container Service) dashboard in AWS Console.

  2. Create a new Task Definition and select Fargate.

  3. Specify the container image, CPU, and memory.

  4. Create a new Cluster in ECS and select the Networking only (powered by AWS Fargate).

  5. Finally, create a new service inside the cluster, select the task definition, and configure the VPC, security groups, and other networking settings.

4. Database & Storage:

Ghost uses a SQLite database by default, but for production, it’s recommended to use MySQL. You can set up a MySQL database using Amazon RDS.

Additionally, for storing images and themes, consider integrating Ghost with Amazon S3 by using storage adapters.